Top 10 Festive Season Dishes Your Dentist Hates — EMERGENCY DENTIST SYDNEY
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Top 10 Festive Season Dishes Your Dentist Hates

Which are your faves?

Summer has arrived and so has the festive season! This is a time to relax, enjoy good company and great food and drink…. There are a few menu items however that your dentist probably would prefer you to avoid.

1. Icey Drinks

We all love a cold drink to get some relief from the heat. But when you get to the bottom of that cocktail, resist the urge to start chomping on the ice. Chewing on a hard substance can damage enamel and you risk dental emergencies such as chipped, cracked, or broken teeth.

2. Mixed nuts

Yummmm… delicious, salty nuts! Who can say no to a little old pistachio? Unless you want a cracked tooth, you should always say no to cracking them open with your teeth!

3. Potato chips

The crunch of a potato chip is so satisfying. But with the good comes the bad… They’re loaded with starch, which becomes sugar that can get trapped in and between the teeth and become food for the bacteria in plaque. Since it’s impossible to stop at one, there’s more acid production from the chips which sticks around for a while. After you’ve finished a bowl, just remember to floss and remove the little bits between your teeth.

4. Bread

It’s harmless, right? Wrong! When you chew bread, your saliva turns starches into sugar transforming it into a paste-like substance, causing it to stick to the crevices between your teeth, causing cavities. Search for alternative carbs, preferably whole wheat as they contain less added sugars and aren’t as easily broken down.

5. Candy

One candy in particular, will make your dentist extra sour… sour candy contains acids that are tougher on your teeth. The way they can cling to teeth means they’re also more likely to cause decay. Try chocolate instead of you need something sweet.

6. Sticky and Delicious

Dried fruits often make an appearance on the cheese board, but many dried fruits are sticky. Sticky foods can damage your teeth since they tend to stay on the teeth longer than other types of food. If you find yourself eating dried fruits or trail mix often, make sure to rinse with water after.

7.  Tomato-based sauces

Tomatoes are packed full of many important nutrients and while their beautiful red colouring makes a dish vibrant, the pigment responsible for their deep red colour makes them a major offender for staining.

8. Balsamic vinegar

It may make a tasty salad dressing, but the deep pigmentation in balsamic vinegar means you need to watch out for its effects on your teeth.

9. Coffee and Tea

Many like to indulge in an after-dinner coffee or tea. Perhaps it’s not even your first of the day? Too much of these beverage favourites can stain your teeth. At least there are many teeth whitening options out there!

10. Toothpicks

After feasting on delicious roast meats, you’re likely to have leftovers lodged between your teeth. You should avoid toothpicks as they can damage the gums and if used frequently, can damage the enamel and wear away the roots of the teeth. They can also break and get stuck under your gums, which can be very painful. Reach for the dental floss or toothbrush instead!

Prefer to ignore this list entirely and enjoy yourself? That’s fine…. Just visit Emergency Dentist Sydney for a smile makeover… we’re here for you at any time of the day or night!

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