Delayed Treatment Can Break the Bank — EMERGENCY DENTIST SYDNEY
02 9267 8540

Delayed Treatment Can Break the Bank

Avoiding the dentist can result in higher costs

A trip to The Emergency Dentist Sydney, for many people, can be a daunting experience. Some think it will be painful (generally not) and others think that they’ll need to take out a personal loan to cover costs (another myth).

We understand that budgets for many can be tight and it’s totally understandable that when faced with dental issues, minds go straight to the financial side. If you’re on the fence about getting immediate treatment there are some things you should first consider. 

From little things, big things grow

We’ve said it time and time before – dental problems generally start as something small and easily treatable however, if untreated in a timely fashion, small issues have the potential of becoming more complex. In most cases, the more complex the dental problem the higher the price tag.

Prevention is key

If you’re reading this and you don’t currently have any dental issues of concern, then great, keep reading…

Keeping up to date with your regular dental check-ups is often the most economical method in keeping your oral health in a high standard, meaning you often won’t need treatment outside of a good clean. A thorough, twice yearly teeth cleaning removes bacteria and tartar that, when built up and left to accumulate can cause your teeth harm (e.g. toothaches, tooth decay, losing teeth). Your dentist will also use this time to identify any irregularities that may need additional treatment. 

Smile now. Pay Later.

Where treatment is unavoidable and budget is an issue, The Emergency Dentist Sydney also has flexible payment options available through:

  • After Pay

  • ZipPay/ZipMoney

  • Open Pay

So don’t suffer through pain when you don’t have to. The team will be more than happy to take you through all of your options to ensure your oral health is 100%.


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