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Dental Tips

Where Do I Look?

Where Do I Look?

Should I open or close my eyes at the dentist?

As if the normal level of anxiety you get before going to the dentist wasn’t enough…. Now you have to stress about where to look! The ceiling? Boring. The light? Ouch my eyes! Straight into the dentist’s eyes? OMG, awkward! Rest assured, there’s no need to stress once you arrive at Paramount Dental Sydney.

Top 5 Common Brushing Mistakes

Top 5 Common Brushing Mistakes

Is your brushing technique working in your favour?

Brushing our teeth is something we all do twice a day and our process becomes second nature. Over time, you may have developed some bad habits that could be damaging your teeth and gums over time. Here’s some tips to get you on the right track to ensure your efforts aren’t being wasted.

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