How To Be Proactive About Dental Pain — EMERGENCY DENTIST SYDNEY
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How To Be Proactive About Dental Pain

Why you shouldn’t just put up with this dental emergency

If you have pain in your mouth or teeth, it might be tempting to take painkillers and hope that it goes away. You might think that this type of pain is harmless, but it can be caused by a wide variety of serious dental issues. And ignoring them can have serious consequences for your oral health. That’s why you need to be proactive about dental pain, so the issue can be solved before it turns into something that sends you to your after hours dentist for an emergency procedure.

Common Causes of Dental Pain

There are several common causes of dental pain. If these issues are resolved immediately, then the solutions are relatively quick and simple. But if you ignore the problems then they could turn into much more serious issues. And when that occurs the treatment will take longer and be more expensive.

The most common causes of dental pain are:


Tooth decay is a very common problem and despite the wealth of information available on how to care for teeth, it’s becoming even more common with time. If you have a deep cavity it means that the bacteria have eaten into the centre of the tooth. This will cause gum or tooth pain, discomfort and swelling, and may make it difficult to eat. And if left untreated it can result in infection, nerve damage, and even tooth loss.


Infections can occur when you have an untreated tooth cavity, gum disease, or other type of wound in your mouth. They can be very painful and if left untreated can result in the loss of a tooth and a trip to your after hours dentist. Infections can also travel to the blood stream and result in bacterial blood infections or travel to other parts of the body. Mouth infections may even make you more susceptible to heart disease. That’s why, if you think you have an infection in your mouth, you must see your dentist immediately for treatment.

Gum Disease

Plaque naturally builds up on your teeth over time and if it isn’t removed then it can cause gum disease. This will cause pain and bleeding around your teeth and may advance to periodontitis, which is an advanced gum disease that will have long term consequences for your oral health. If left untreated, these types of problems will result in your gums shrinking and your teeth falling out, so it’s important that they’re treated by your dentist before that happens.

Cracked or Broken Teeth

If your tooth or teeth are injured and become cracked or broken, then you need to see your dentist immediately. Even a small crack can spread over time and result in the tooth or teeth splitting down the middle. A piece of the damaged tooth or teeth may even break off, resulting in a jagged edge. This will be painful, make you feel self-conscious, and fixing it will require extensive treatments. A simple crack on the other hand can often be fixed using a filling or dental composite.

General Sensitivity

Some people naturally have sensitive teeth and struggle to eat hot and cold foods. This is normal. But if you find it difficult to eat any foods because of sensitivity then you need to see your dentist to find out what’s going on. Sudden sensitivity can be the result of gum disease, a cavity, or shrinking gums, so don’t ignore this warning sign.

 How to be Proactive about Pain

You need to be proactive when it comes to your dental health. See your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleans to keep your teeth in the best condition possible. And if you experience any pain, make an appointment and find out what’s going on. This is the best way to safeguard the health of your mouth and teeth over the long term. And it’s also the best way to be pain-free too!

Emergency Dentist Sydney Says:

If you have a dental emergency, contact our Emergency Dentist in Sydney. Our caring and expert staff are available 24 hours a day to help you with all your emergency dental needs.

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