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The Effects of Alcohol Abuse on Your Oral Health

Be Aware of The Impact

Some might say hot, sunny Sydney days - and nights - and a cold beer were made for each other, especially if you happen to be out with your mates. And as we have no less than fourteen separate wine regions in NSW, a trip out to a vineyard for a tasting is a tempting way to spend a summer's day too. But did you know that indulging in a few too many alcoholic 'refreshers' can leave you with more than just a banging headache the next day, it can also be very bad for your oral health?

Alcohol and Oral Health - Worst Case Scenarios
A number of research studies conducted all over the world have indicated that those who drink alcohol on a regular basis may be up to six times more likely to develop oral cancers than those who do not. Alcohol abuse is also the cause of a number of oral related accidents - chipped teeth, broken teeth, lost teeth, that kind of thing - because, well, drunk people do tend to fall down far more often than others and they can often get a bit fighty too.

Gum disease is another potentially nasty problem that alcohol abuse can lead too, as is tooth decay. The major reason for this is all of the fermented sugars that alcohol contains coupled with fact that alcohol is actually very dehydrating (no matter how refreshing that cold one seems to be) which leads to a very dry mouth. The perfect 'conditions' for the development of both tooth decay and gum disease.

Drinking Responsibly - for Your Teeth
So, are we suggesting that you spend every single summer's day sipping on a oft drink while all around you crack open a celebratory can of beer? Not necessarily, but we are suggesting you drink in a way that is a lot kinder to your teeth and gums. What's the best way to do that? Here's some pointers:

Drink in moderation This really should be a general rule of thumb anyway. Not only is binge drinking or excessive alcohol consumption bad for your oral and general health is there really much point in spending a fortune on booze when you go out if you get so drunk you won't remember anything the next day?

Watch the Sugar Content of What You Drink People tend to forget just how much sugar there is in alcoholic beverages. And in many cases there's a lot, both in beer and in wine and mixed drinks and cocktails can be even worse. Not only is too much sugar bad for your teeth in general if you are drinking all night it's going to be sitting on your teeth getting ready to do some damage.

To help alleviate the problem alternate every drink with one of water (which helps you drink less anyway) as doing so will keep you better hydrated and help prevent dry mouth while also 'washing away' some of that sugary film on your teeth.

Never Go to Bed Without Cleaning Your Teeth No matter how tired you are when you get in after a night out you should never skip cleaning your teeth, especially if you are fond of highly coloured drinks - red wine, those frothy multi-coloured cocktails - that can also stain your teeth easily.

The #EmergencyDentist Says:

Alcohol and teeth are well-known adversaries, especially during the very social Sydney summer season. However, with a little extra care and attention it's OK to indulge once in a while, just don't make a big habit of it.

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