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Bad Habits You Need To Stop

Identifying the habits is the first step towards quitting

We all love a beautiful smile but keeping your smile bright and healthy takes work and there are a few nasty little habits that you need to stop today.

Biting your nails

Probably the most common bad habit, nail-biting can chip your teeth and even have an impact on your jaw. Not to mention the high amounts of germs lurking under fingernails shouldn’t be in your mouth. 

Tips to stop:

  • Bitter-tasting nail polishes that will be sure to turn you off-putting those nails in your mouth.

  • Other forms of stress relief like a stress ball which also keeps your fingers busy.

Brushing your teeth too hard

A common misconception about brushing your teeth is that the harder you brush, the cleaner the teeth when in fact it can damage your teeth and irritate your gums.

Tips to stop:

Use a soft-bristle toothbrush or an electric toothbrush that alerts you when you’re applying too much pressure. 

Grinding or clenching your teeth 

Prolonged grinding or clenching can result in jaw paid and weakened teeth that can cause chipping or cracking

Tips to stop:

  • A night time mouth guard to relieve some pressure

  • Relaxation exercises 

Chewing on ice

Sure, it’s a cooling summer treat but teeth and ice are in battle with each other. Ice will usually break first but, over time the chances of teeth losing the fight gets higher.

Tips to stop:

Try serving your drinks without the ice cubes or sip through a reusable straw to avoid the temptation.

Too much snacking

Snacking is a favourite pastime for many of us but the issue is that often the snacks we choose are high in sugar which puts your teeth at risk of cavities from the bacteria that gets left behind.

Tips to stop:

Choose meals that will fuel you for longer so you don’t feel the need to turn to snacks as often.

Teeth as tools

This is a BAD one. From opening a can with your teeth to ripping a tag off clothing when you can’t find scissors. Any time you choose your teeth over actual tools, you’re at high risk of breaking or chipping your teeth which usually results in the need for a trip to The Emergency Dentist Sydney.

Tips to stop:

Easy…. take the time to actually locate the tool you need. Leave your teeth out of it!


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