More Than Just Emergencies — EMERGENCY DENTIST SYDNEY
02 9267 8540

More Than Just Emergencies

We are experts in all things dental

Emergency Dentist Sydney are experts in emergency treatment but, our doors are also to patients to visit us for a large range of treatments from general dentistry to injectables that will have you feeling great and smiling proudly.

We love all things dental which is why we give patients access to all services to ensure an end-to-end dental experience. Read on for some of the most popular treatments that we have on offer.

General Dentistry

Hygiene & Maintenance: Ironically, you can visit us for your regular check-ups and cleaning which is probably one of the most important steps to keeping you out of the emergency dentist chair. It’s highly recommended that you schedule these appointments every 6 months and keep up to date x-rays 

Tooth Grinding & Snoring Solutions: You deserve a good night’s sleep that doesn’t come at the detriment of healthy teeth. Arrange a consultation to discuss your issues so we can create a treatment plan which could include anything from mouthguards to diagnosis and solutions for snoring.

Gum disease treatment: Gum disease is an inflammation or infection of the gums that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth. We provide treatment for both stages; gingivitis and periodontitis.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Implants: A dental implant is a great permanent solution for missing teeth A titanium rod is inserted in to the jaw bone with a replacement tooth or teeth mounted on top. After an initial consultation, we will advise the best treatment for you.

Veneers and crowns: Dental crowns and porcelain veneers can quickly improve crooked, crowded, chipped and gappy smiles. They are both long-term methods and cover your existing teeth. A main difference between crowns and veneers is how much of the tooth they cover: crowns usually encase the whole tooth, whereas veneers only cover the tooth’s front surface.

Teeth whitening: Probably the simplest treatment to give your smile a makeover, with in-chair or at-home options available. White fillings are also a great option and are a great alternative to silver fillings that will stand out more when you smile.


Teeth straightening: There are so many teeth straightening options now that we’re happy to take you through to ensure you’re going to get the best results. Choice can also come down to aesthetics and budget

Cosmetic Injectables

Dentofacial aesthetics is a new approach in cosmetic dentistry which considers how the overall structure of your face contributes to your smile.

Aesthetic improvements can then be made with Collagen, Restylane and Botox. Dentists have the advantage of specialty training in the structure of the face so we have an extra level of skill when delivering these treatments.

So don’t wait until you have an emergency to visit us and always feel free to contact us to discuss and treatments.


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