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How much does Invisalign cost?


2023 has already been a year like no other as far as technology goes. While some of the tech advances have been a cause for concern, some have been welcomed with open arms. One of these positive technological developments is Invisalign teeth straightening.

While Invisalign has actually been around for over 20 years, only recently has it seen such a great rise in popularity. Why the sudden demand? There are a number of reasons:

  1. Beauty Standards - there has been a real social shift in beauty standards in recent years, with more people wanting to perfect their appearance. Invisalign provides a functional, yet aesthetically appealing alternative to traditional teeth straightening methods due to their almost invisible appearance.

  2. Social Media & Celebrity Influence - people are more influenced by celebrities and social media fashionistas today than ever before. As Invisalign becomes more popular, the influence grows much stronger too. Celebrities such a Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner have even used Invisalign.

  3. Medical Approval - like with any medical advancement, it takes time to test the long-term effects and fully understand the effectiveness and any potential dangers. Since Invisalign was FDA-approved in 1998, there has been plenty of years worth of testing and many dental professionals are now recommending Invisalign ahead of traditional methods of teeth whitening.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a teeth straightening treatment that uses a series of clear, custom-made aligners to gradually shift the position of the teeth. The aligners are made of a clear, medical-grade plastic material that is virtually invisible when worn, which makes them a particularly popular choice among young adults who want to straighten their teeth without the appearance of traditional metal braces.

During the straightening period, for best results, the aligners should be worn no less than 22 hours each day and need changing out for a new set every two weeks as the teeth gradually shift into the desired position.

As mentioned above, Invisalign is an FDA-approved orthodontic treatment and has been used to successfully straighten the teeth of millions of people worldwide. The treatment is performed by a certified Invisalign provider and it is typically completed within 12 to 18 months, depending on the complexity of the case.

After the completion of treatment, it is strongly recommended that you wear an Invisalign retainer each night to be to prevent any shifting of teeth back to their original position.

How much does Invisalign Cost?

Now we understand what Invisalign is and why it’s so popular, it’s time to evaluate the cost. In Australia, the cost of Invisalign treatment typically ranges from as little as $2,500 to $8,000. This broad variation is dependent on a number of factors, including the severity of the case, the location, and the individual practitioner's fees.

Fortunately, many dental clinics today offer payment plans which can help make the cost of Invisalign treatment more manageable and accessible.

Is Invisalign worth it?

While the price and effectiveness of Invisalign teeth straightening are almost identical to the price of standard metal braces, Invisalign is a far more aesthetic solution since they are clear.

Aside from the appearance and effectiveness advantages, some of the other benefits of Invisalign, as opposed to traditional metal braces, are:

  • They are removable - this makes it easier to clean the teeth and gums and eat food more comfortably.

  • Typically faster treatment duration - the completion time usually takes between 6 - 18 months, compared to 2 - 3 years for metal braces

  • Generally cause less discomfort - they are custom-made to fit an individual's teeth, and are smooth and more comfortable to wear.

  • Discreet - aligners are more subtle and hard to notice.

  • Ease of use - Invisalign aligners are easy to use and clean and less prone to breakage. They also don’t get food stuck in them because you take them out when eating.

Invisalign summed up

Overall, for most patients, Invisalign is a fantastic teeth straightening solution. The cost is relative to, if not cheaper than other alternatives, they are highly effective and they look great.

If you’d like to find out more about Invisalign or book a consultation then speak to our team at Emergency Dentists Sydney today.



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