Easy Ways To Improve Your Dental Health in 2018 — EMERGENCY DENTIST SYDNEY
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Easy Ways To Improve Your Dental Health in 2018

Avoid Needing Emergency Dental Care

© Paramount Dental Sydney Easy Ways To Improve Your Dental Health in 2018 02 Girl Smiling Loveheart 2.jpg

Most of us make resolutions for each new year and chances are at least a few of them are still in effect right now. Sticking to those promises you have made to yourself can be tough, but not impossible if you are serious about them. Take a resolution to keep your teeth healthier for example. Sticking to that need not be hard at all, especially if you follow these basic tips...

Cut Back the Sugar, For Real This Time

Yes, we sound like a broken record on this issue sometimes, but we're OK with that as it is such an important piece of advice for the good of your teeth and gums. And the good of your body overall.

Unlike calcium, or proteins, or even carbohydrates, no-one's body actually needs sugar, we just really like it. It's also very hard to avoid sometimes as it is included in all kinds of processed foods that you'd usually consider savory. But it's terrible for your teeth and pretty bad for your body overall as well.

If you can't imagine life without the occasional sweet treat we do understand; neither can we. But make it just that, occasional, and get into the habit of checking food labels when shopping for added extra sugars that could be avoided by making a different choice.

Commit to Flossing Daily

In case you are questioning if we even need to floss anymore, check out our myth busting article 'The Great Flossgate Debate'. With that out of the way, we know flossing can seem annoying but it doesn't taken that long once you get the hang of it.

To make it easier to do, consider investing in some purse and wallet friendly pre-made flossers from the chemists or, if you want to push the boat out a bit further (and are a bit of a tech head anyway) you can pick up an electric flosser for around $50 from your chemist or dentist. 

Learn to Love Your Dentist

Very few people will tell you that a visit to the dentist is at the top of their list of favourite pastimes. But it really isn't as scary, or as much of a hassle, as you think. Modern dentistry focuses around providing great oral care with a minimum of pain and as little fuss and extra expense as possible.

In addition to a six-month regular checkup you could consider making this the year you invest in your smile in a bigger way, whether that means a few whitening treatments or a bit of cosmetic dentistry that makes a bigger difference.

Emergency Dentist Sydney Says:

Resolving to take better care of your teeth in 2018 is a great idea to maintain or improve your oral and general health and to avoid unnecessary dental expenses, such as emergency dentistry. If you are looking for dental advice or considering cosmetic dental treatment, get in touch with us today.

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