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Dental Implants

A Basic Guide to Replacing Your Tooth

Dental implants are an effective treatment for cracked or broken teeth. It is a great option for people who have damaged a tooth due to sudden accidents or who have lost teeth due to decay and disease. Here’s everything you need to know if you are in need of a replacement tooth or teeth.

What are Dental Implants?

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Dental implants are a permanent solution for badly damaged teeth. If you decide to get them or if your dentist suggests this treatment, the first step is to remove your broken teeth roots and replace them with metal posts. They are artificial roots made with strong and long-lasting materials. This procedure is the same whether you’re getting one tooth replaced or all of them. These metal posts can be cylindrical or can be a screw. Once your mouth has healed around these new structures, your dentist can attach brand new teeth to the metal foundation. Dental implants require several treatments, but once they’re in, they feel and look just like normal teeth.

What are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

The main advantage of dental implants is that it creates the most natural as well as durable solution to your missing tooth. They are designed to look like your original teeth. Dental implants also replace loose dentures and partial plates that look fake, fall out, and can be painful to wear. They’re extremely sturdy, and although they can decay if you don’t take care of them, they’re stronger than natural teeth. Getting dental implants will not only improve the look and feel of your mouth, it will also improve your ability to eat because when you have broken teeth, it is difficult to eat and your diet becomes restricted. The end result of dental implant procedures will make it feel like your natural teeth.

The Importance of Avoiding Bone Loss

When you have missing teeth, the bone around the removed tooth root gets partially absorbed into your body. This causes the jaw bone to become thin and weak, causing various problems for your oral health and for your appearance. If you have bone loss, you may need to build up the bone again with a bone grafting procedure and then be able to have dental implants. Your teeth may also become crooked and uneven, because the bone beneath them is uneven. And in the worst cases, the lower third of the face can actually collapse inwards because there isn’t enough bone to support it anymore.

Dental implants can help you avoid this problem as they will protect and strengthen your jaw bone. The screw that is placed into the bone protects the bone from being absorbed by the body. The screw also integrates into the bone, strengthening it and protecting it from future damage. 

Single Tooth Implant

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A single tooth implant replaces a single missing tooth as well as its root. This is a good procedure to have if you’re missing a single tooth and want to avoid having a gap in your smile, or repair your bite. It has several advantages over other replacement options such as a bridge, which damages the health of your surrounding teeth because they need to be ground down to fit with the new dental work.

Multiple Teeth Implants

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Multiple teeth implants are for replacing several missing teeth and their roots. Other replacement options require support from adjacent teeth, which can cause wear and damage and even result in the support teeth themselves becoming loose. But multiple teeth implants don’t require any support, they look and function just like real teeth.

Full Mouth Implants

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Full mouth implants are best if you need all of your teeth replaced because of decay or damage. With this procedure, all of your remaining teeth and their roots are removed before the screws are placed into your jaw. While they heal, temporary teeth can be worn. Once your mouth has healed, new teeth are fixed into place using small metal bars. Once the teeth are in place, you can’t see any of the metal work, and you can show off your great new smile.

Emergency Dentist Sydney Says:

If your teeth are cracked or broken, call us immediately and book an appointment. We are here to help you find the best treatment for your damaged teeth. 

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