A Smile Says A Thousand Words — EMERGENCY DENTIST SYDNEY
02 9267 8540

A Smile Says A Thousand Words

Fixing Broken Teeth is Rewarding For Us!

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A great smile is one of the most attractive qualities in the world. It changes the way people see you, the way they interact with you, and it changes the way you see the world. You should never hesitate to smile, but sometimes things can get in the way. If you’re concerned about your teeth or the way your smile looks, it can rob you of everything a smile can bring to your life. And this is a real problem, which is why you need to work with your dentist to overcome these issues as soon as possible.

Rewarding Work

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Helping you get back your smile is one of the most rewarding things a dentist can do. As Dr. Oberoi from Emergency Dentist Sydney says, “What inspires me is when I really make a difference in people’s lives every day. I’m giving them more confidence in their smile. I’m helping them overcome years of phobia about the dentist.”

No matter what dental issues you have, your dentist has treatments that can help. And best of all, they’ll feel as good about the results as you will.

Fixing the Pain of Broken Teeth

One of the best things you can do to repair your smile is to get your broken teeth fixed. Teeth can break because of injury, poor oral hygiene, or grinding, and this can not only change how your smile looks, it can also make you feel ashamed and self-conscious. As Dr. Oberoi points out, “Often in the patient’s head, the broken teeth are a terrible fear and shame. But when you’re finished, they’re so happy and grateful with what you’ve done for them. After all that worry and shame, one appointment and everything is fixed.”

Before: Elbow to the Face

Before: Elbow to the Face

After: Dental Bonding

After: Dental Bonding

Fixing broken teeth is a relatively easy and straightforward procedure these days. Your dentist will examine your mouth and create a plan to deal with the problem. The treatment will vary depending on the condition of your mouth and teeth. But usually, broken teeth are covered with a dental crown, to give a flawless and natural looking smile.

Before: Cycling Accident

Before: Cycling Accident

After: Crowns and Composite Bonding

After: Crowns and Composite Bonding

If your broken teeth can’t be salvaged, they can be removed and a dental implant placed into the gum. After a bit of time, the implant site will heal so a new tooth can be fitted into place. And once this is complete, your smile will look so good that you’ll forget there was ever a problem. 

If you don’t want to have dental implants put in, your dentist may recommend a dental bridge. Dental bridges can be fitted over damaged teeth or used to replace missing teeth.They basically consist of two or more connected dental crowns that are bonded or cemented into place. Once they’re in, the replacement teeth are strong and secure, and they’ll look, feel and act just like your original teeth. So you can forget about them and show off your big, beautiful smile.

Before: Falling Accident

Before: Falling Accident

After: Porcelain Veneers and Bonding

After: Porcelain Veneers and Bonding

Emergency Dentist Sydney Says:

If you have a dental emergency, contact our Emergency Dentist in Sydney. Our caring and expert staff are available 24 hours a day to help you with all your emergency dental needs.

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