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Dental Health

The Effects of Sugar On Your Teeth

The Effects of Sugar On Your Teeth

Don’t let the sweetness fool you

Sugar is in an alarmingly high amount of foods and drinks and unless you’re scanning the ingredients of every single thing you consume, sugar is hard to avoid. Knowing the effects sugar has on us, might just make you a bit more vigilant when making your grocery selections.

What happens to your teeth when you don’t brush

What happens to your teeth when you don’t brush

A Timeline of Oral Health Complications

Chances are, we’ve all had nights here and there where we’ve been super tired and gone to bed without brushing our teeth. No need to stress, your teeth won’t instantly rot and fall out. Forgetting too often? That could be a slippery slope into some dental issues down the track.

After Hours Dentist Sydney

After Hours Dentist Sydney

Because toothaches don’t wait for business hours

At The Emergency Dentist Sydney we are experts in afterhours emergency dentistry. We have spent many hours, over several years, being one of the original providers of this type of care in Sydney.

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